Play if…you enjoy an English breakfast or quaint village eateries.
Avoid if… you don’t like to sit down on the job.
Enter the Enigma:
Address: 3540 N. Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80917 (click address for Google Map)
Contact and Website: 719-309-6862
The Room – A Spot of Tea: An Iris Trenton Memoir:
Description (from the company website): After the worldwide publicity from your impressive capture of the famed thief, Iris Trenton, you needed a vacation.
While strolling the streets of London you happen across a little hole in the wall cafe/tea room that intrigues you. Taking a seat you are admiring the decor when you here that familiar voice…..
“Greetings Detective….Welcome to Siri’s”. Iris Trenton stands before you dressed as a waitress. At this moment you receive a phone call from Scotland Yard informing you that Iris has broken out of prison and that all signs point to her being in London to steal the Crown Jewels. Obviously, this was a trap.
Can you best the master criminal again or will she prove your first encounter inside The Attic was pure luck?
For a more detailed story, go to Enter the Enigma’s Facebook page.
Difficulty (1-10): You’ll have the option of Medium or Hard when you enter, but it’s listed as “Very Hard 8/10”
Time Limit: 60 minutes
Cost: $28
Identifier: R2 (this room is a true sequel to The Attic)
Party Size: 2-6
Staging Area: Small lobby area with lockers and a water cooler. With Covid-19, this actually works since you won’t have to sit around and wait for people (unless they’re in your party).
Metro Access/Parking: This is a sort of strip mall, so plenty of parking.
This is the video we took before we entered the room:
This is the video we took just after we completed the room:
Never took one. I will dish on it in the review itself.
Note: The ERG were given the opportunity to try out this room for free, with the understanding that we would continue to provide an honest review and follow the same process we’ve used on all of our other ratings.
Description of the room: The room is laid out as a small café, complete with dessert display case and tables/chairs.
Understanding of the Mission: describe our understanding of what we needed to do
Did We Escape: Yes, technically (see below)
Time Remaining: After discussing it with Don, we agreed upon a whole 1 SECOND REMAINING! (Read on for explanation.) Also, LEADERBOARD!
Our Suggested Party Size: 2-4; you can pull off 6, but it might be a bit crowded.
Did the room challenge the entire team? Yes
Members of our team (other than the ERG): Steph D

We didn’t take a picture; we were too busy discussing the room with the owners. But this is one we were sent to use.
Worth the time and money? Yes, especially if you’re a mental masochist.
Where to Eat/Drink Before/After: We ended up just heading home after, but there’s some good restaurants nearby. Continue reading